Conjunto Vazio
São Paulo | SP | BR
Em parceria com CoLab e Bijari
Conjunto Vazio é o primeiro projeto realizado pelo Colaboratório e tem por objetivo mapear os imóveis desocupados na região do Anhangabaú. É, também, o início de um projeto maior que pretende contribuir para a transformação da região em um lugar culturalmente vibrante, com agenda artística e cultural 24hrs e ocupação dos espaços públicos com arte, atraindo novos moradores jovens, artistas e estudantes, além de negócios inovadores e criativos.
Empty Set
Sao Paulo | SP | BR
With CoLab and Bijari.
Although Sao Paulo has and enormous housing deficit, there are more than 300 empty or partially empty buildings in the area surrounding the Anhangabau Park in downtown Sao Paulo. “Empty Set” was an activist art project designed to highlight this issue. We started by mapping the buildings and placing them in an interactive site, so the community could comment and designate better uses for the empty structures. We then projected the mathematical empty set symbol on 20 of these buildings and distributed posters to question people’s awareness of the problem.
The “Bridge Project” complements the Empty Set project by bridging over the Anhangabau Park underground amenities and the Anhangabau River below, one of the most important rivers in the city’s history, which is currently canalized and “invisible”. Built with scaffolding elements, it is formed by a series of arches that are lit by LED-strips in reaction to users movements. The animated bridge calls for a better integration of this arid downtown area with its real users; skaters, small artistic companies, small businesses and bars, homeless people and a great contingent of young people coming from the city’s peripheries. By marking the “invisibility” of structural urban problems, we hope to foster a debate over them.